Cy5 DBCO chloride


[ CAS No. ]:

[ Name ]:
Cy5 DBCO chloride

Biological Activity


Cy5 DBCO chloride is an azide reaction probe and the addition of DBCO molecules allows the imaging of azide-labelled biomolecules by a copper-free “Click Chemistry” reaction[1].

[Related Catalog]:

Research Areas >> Others
Signaling Pathways >> Others >> Others

[In Vitro]

Cy5 DBCO chloride (2-50 μM) can control the extent of labelling by varying the concentration of DBCO-Cy5 in a dose-dependent manner, with the amount of DBCO-Cy5 bound at the cell surface increasing with increasing DBCO-Cy5 concentration[1]. Guidelines (Following is our recommended protocol. This protocol only provides a guideline, and should be modified according to your specific needs). 1.Incubate the cells at a density of 3×104 cells in a cell culture dish for 3 days and then wash the cells twice with DPBS (pH 7.4). Incubate the cells according to your normal protocol. 2.Incubate the cells with Cy5 DBCO chloride at a final concentration of 20 µM for 1 h at 37°C. 3.After incubation, wash cells with DPBS (pH 7.4) and fix with formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde combination fixative for 15 min at room temperature. 4.After fixation, wash cells twice with DPBS (pH 7.4). Analyze sample on a flow cytometer, fluorescence microscopy, or fluorescence microplate reader.


[1]. Sun-Woong Kang, et al. Cell labeling and tracking method without distorted signals by phagocytosis of macrophages. Theranostics. 2014 Feb 12;4(4):420-31.

Chemical & Physical Properties

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Related Compounds