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Hydroxocobalamin monohydrochloride


[ CAS No. ]:

[ Name ]:
Hydroxocobalamin monohydrochloride

[Synonym ]:
hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride
cobalt [(2R,3S,4R,5S)-5-(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazol-1-yl)-4-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-3-yl] [(2S)-1-[3-[(2R,3R,4Z,7S,9Z,12S,13S,14Z,17S,18S,19R)-2,13,18-tris(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-7,12,17-tris(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-3,5,8,8,13,15,18,19-octamethyl-2,7,12,17-tetrahydro-1H-corrin-21-id-3-yl]propanoylamino]propan-2-yl] phosphate hydrate hydrochloride

Biological Activity


Hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride (Vitamin B12a hydrochloride) is a naturally occurring vitamin B12 form found in food and used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency.

[Related Catalog]:

Signaling Pathways >> Others >> Others
Research Areas >> Cardiovascular Disease
Research Areas >> Metabolic Disease

[In Vitro]

The cobalt atom of hydroxocobalamin binds cyanide and nitric oxide and hydroxocobalamin attenuates vascular responses to NO in vitro[1].

[In Vivo]

Treatment with hydroxocobalamin before or after giving LPS attenuates LPS-induced hypotension and increases in plasma RNI and enhances LPS-induced urinary excretion of RNI. Hydroxocobalamin (20 mg/kg i.p.) given to Swiss-Webster mice 30 min before giving LPS (16 mg/kg i.p.) decreases the 24-hr mortality of LPS from 80 to 50% and the 36- and 96-hr mortality from 100 to 60% (hydroxocobalamin)[1]. Hydroxocobalamin is widely used and seems to be the antidote of choice when acute cyanide poisoning is suspected. In rats receiving hydroxocobalamin and hyperbaric oxygen therapy , respiration improve and cyanosis disappear, with subsequent stabilization of mean arterial blood pressure. These findings indicate that a combined administration of hydroxocobalamin and hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a beneficial and persistent effect on the cerebral metabolism during cyanide intoxication[2]. Repeated administration of hydroxocobalamin is devoid of significant diaphragmatic and cardiac muscle toxicity and therefore remains a safe antidote for acute cyanide poisoning[3]. More than 60% of the mice administered 35 mg/kg (0.63 mmol/kg) of NaSH (LD90) survive (at 24 h) when hydroxocobalamin (0.25 mmol/kg) is given after NaSH administration whereas less than 15% of the mice survive without hydroxocobalamin. Hydroxocobalamin (50–100 μM) or cobalt (50–100 μM) also preventes hepatocyte cytotoxicity induced by NaSH (500 μM). Furthermore, adding hydroxocobalamin 60 min later than NaSH still shows some protective activity[4].

[Animal admin]

Rats: Rats are pretreated with sterile PBS (0.1 mL/kg i.v.) 30 min before administration of LPS (0.8 mg/kg i.v.). Fifteen minutes after administration of LPS, when the 125-mediated decrease in blood pressure is maximum, the rats are administered either PBS (0.1 mI/kg i.v.) or hydroxocobalamin (20-30 mg/kg i.v.). Blood pressure, heart rate and RNI are measured[1]. Mice: Adult male CD1 mice, 25-30 g body weight are allowed to acclimatize for at least 7 days prior to experiment on standard chip bedding. All animals are fed ad libitum and are not fasted before experiments. Mice are treated with 0.1 mL/25 g volume per weight ratio of single injection. The survival of animals is recorded 24 h after the treatment[4].


[1]. Greenberg SS, et al. Hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B12a) prevents and reverses endotoxin-induced hypotension and mortality in rodents: role of nitric oxide. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1995 Apr;273(1):257-65.

[2]. Hansen MB, et al. Combined administration of hyperbaric oxygen and hydroxocobalamin improves cerebral metabolism after acute cyanide poisoning in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2013 Nov 1;115(9):1254-61.

[3]. Pery-Man N, et al. Hydroxocobalamin vs cobalt toxicity on rat cardiac and diaphragmatic muscles. Intensive Care Med. 1996 Feb;22(2):108-15.

[4]. Truong DH, et al. Prevention of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-induced mouse lethality and cytotoxicity by hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B(12a)). Toxicology. 2007 Dec 5;242(1-3):16-22.

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Chemical & Physical Properties

[ Molecular Formula ]:

[ Molecular Weight ]:

[ PSA ]:

[ LogP ]:

[ Storage condition ]:

[ Water Solubility ]:
methanol: soluble10mg/mL at 20°C, clear, dark red

Safety Information

[ Personal Protective Equipment ]:
Eyeshields;Gloves;type N95 (US);type P1 (EN143) respirator filter

NONH for all modes of transport


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