
Good news and bad news of blue carbon [Ecology]



Traditionally, ocean acidification researchers have focused on how secular changes in carbon dioxide (CO2) or pH will impact organisms. Global mean pH is estimated to have decreased by 0.1 pH units (representing a 28% increase in acidity) since the preindustr...

Seagrass habitat metabolism increases short-term extremes and long-term offset of CO2 under future ocean acidification [Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences]



The role of rising atmospheric CO2 in modulating estuarine carbonate system dynamics remains poorly characterized, likely due to myriad processes driving the complex chemistry in these habitats. We reconstructed the full carbonate system of an estuarine seagr...

Correction for Bevan et al., Holocene fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate [Correction]



ANTHROPOLOGY, SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE Correction for “Holocene fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate,” by Andrew Bevan, Sue Colledge, Dorian Fuller, Ralph Fyfe, Stephen Shennan, and Chris Stevens, which was ...

Correction for Jiang et al., Proteins induced by telomere dysfunction and DNA damage represent biomarkers of human aging and disease [Correction]



MEDICAL SCIENCES Correction for “Proteins induced by telomere dysfunction and DNA damage represent biomarkers of human aging and disease,” by Hong Jiang, Eric Schiffer, Zhangfa Song, Jianwei Wang, Petra Zürbig, …

Establishment of human pluripotent stem cell-derived pancreatic {beta}-like cells in the mouse pancreas [Medical Sciences]



Type 1 diabetes is characterized by autoimmune destruction of β cells located in pancreatic islets. However, tractable in vivo models of human pancreatic β cells have been limited. Here, we generated xenogeneic human pancreatic β-like cells in the mouse pancr...

Synergistic activity of cosecreted natural products from amoebae-associated bacteria [Microbiology]



Investigating microbial interactions from an ecological perspective is a particularly fruitful approach to unveil both new chemistry and bioactivity. Microbial predator–prey interactions in particular rely on natural products as signal or defense molecules. I...

Global amphibian declines have winners and losers [Ecology]



Global change imperils a large swath of the planet’s biodiversity, portending a future with decreasing species richness and functioning of natural ecosystems (1). However, the effects of global change are highly variable across scales (2). For example, while ...

BDNF signaling: Harnessing stress to battle mood disorder [Neuroscience]



The link between the onset of major depressive disorder (MDD) and loss of neurotrophins in the brain is of interest to clinicians and basic scientists. MDD is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Trauma, chronic health...

Successful reprogramming of cellular protein production through mRNA delivered by functionalized lipid nanoparticles [Chemistry]



The development of safe and efficacious gene vectors has limited greatly the potential for therapeutic treatments based on messenger RNA (mRNA). Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) formed by an ionizable cationic lipid (here DLin-MC3-DMA), helper lipids (distearoylpho...

Local protein solvation drives direct down-conversion in phycobiliprotein PC645 via incoherent vibronic transport [Chemistry]



The mechanisms controlling excitation energy transport (EET) in light-harvesting complexes remain controversial. Following the observation of long-lived beats in 2D electronic spectroscopy of PC645, vibronic coherence, the delocalization of excited states bet...