Hippocampal Spike-Timing Correlations Lead to Hexagonal Grid Fields
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.038101 2017-07-19 Space is represented in the mammalian brain by the activity of hippocampal place cells, as well as in their spike-timing correlations. Here, we propose a theory for how this temporal code is transformed to spatial firing rate patterns via spike-timing-depende... |
Nonuniform Currents and Spins of Relativistic Electron Vortices in a Magnetic Field
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.030401 2017-07-18 We present a relativistic description of electron vortex beams in a homogeneous magnetic field. Including spin from the beginning reveals that spin-polarized electron vortex beams have a complicated azimuthal current structure, containing small rings of count... |
Neural Decoder for Topological Codes
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.030501 2017-07-18 We present an algorithm for error correction in topological codes that exploits modern machine learning techniques. Our decoder is constructed from a stochastic neural network called a Boltzmann machine, of the type extensively used in deep learning. We provi... |
Constraining Relativistic Generalizations of Modified Newtonian Dynamics with Gravitational Waves
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.031102 2017-07-18 In the weak-field limit of general relativity, gravitational waves obey linear equations and propagate at the speed of light. These properties of general relativity are supported by the observation of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays as well as by LIGO’s recent d... |
Natural Covariant Planck Scale Cutoffs and the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.031301 2017-07-18 We calculate the impact of quantum gravity–motivated ultraviolet cutoffs on inflationary predictions for the cosmic microwave background spectrum. We model the ultraviolet cutoffs fully covariantly to avoid possible artifacts of covariance breaking. Imposing ... |
J/ψProduction and Polarization within a Jet
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.032001 2017-07-18 We study the production and polarization of J/ψ mesons within a jet in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. We define the J/ψ-jet fragmentation function as a ratio of differential jet cross sections with and without the reconstructed J/ψ in the jet. We demons... |
NRQCD Confronts LHCb Data on Quarkonium Production within Jets
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.032002 2017-07-18 We analyze the recent LHCb measurement of the distribution of the fraction of the transverse momentum, z(J/ψ), carried by the J/ψ within a jet. LHCb data are compared with analytic calculations using the fragmenting jet function (FJF) formalism for studying J... |
High-Precision Measurement of the Proton’s Atomic Mass
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.033001 2017-07-18 We report on the precise measurement of the atomic mass of a single proton with a purpose-built Penning-trap system. With a precision of 32 parts per trillion our result not only improves on the current CODATA literature value by a factor of 3, but also disag... |
Universality of the Peregrine Soliton in the Focusing Dynamics of the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.033901 2017-07-18 We report experimental confirmation of the universal emergence of the Peregrine soliton predicted to occur during pulse propagation in the semiclassical limit of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Using an optical fiber based system, measurements of... |
Self-Focusing and the Talbot Effect in Conformal Transformation Optics
10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.033902 2017-07-18 Transformation optics has been used to propose various novel optical devices. With the help of metamaterials, several intriguing designs, such as invisibility cloaks, have been implemented. However, as the basic units should be much smaller than the working w... |