Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)

更新时间:2024-01-10 17:40:39

Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式
Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式
常用名 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI) 英文名 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)
CAS号 5061-27-8 分子量 119.71600
密度 N/A 沸点 N/A
分子式 C2H7GeO 熔点 N/A

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)名称

英文名 dimethyl(oxo)germane
英文别名 更多

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)物理化学性质

分子式 C2H7GeO
分子量 119.71600
精确质量 120.97100
PSA 17.07000
LogP 0.78050

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)安全信息

海关编码 2914190090

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)合成线路


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Kolesnikov, S. P.; Rogozhin, I. S.; Safarov, M. G.; Nefedov, O. M. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1981 , vol. 30, p. 1143 - 1146 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1981 , vol. 30, p. 1423 - 1426


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Kang, Kyung-Tae; Manuel, Georges; Weber, William P. Chemistry Letters, 1986 , p. 1685 - 1686


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Kang, Kyung-Tae; Manuel, Georges; Weber, William P. Chemistry Letters, 1986 , p. 1685 - 1686


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Nefedov, O. M. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1991 , vol. 40, # 11.1 p. 2113 - 2128 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1991 , # 11 p. 2425 - 2442


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Nefedov, O. M. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1991 , vol. 40, # 11.1 p. 2113 - 2128 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1991 , # 11 p. 2425 - 2442


Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)结构式

Germane, dimeth...


文献:Barrau, J.; Rima, G.; El Amine, M.; Satge, J Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 18, p. 317 - 324

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)上下游产品

Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)上游产品  5

Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)下游产品  0

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)海关

海关编码 2914190090
中文概述 2914190090 其他不含其他含氧基的无环酮。监管条件:无。增值税率:17.0%。退税率:9.0%。最惠国关税:5.5%。普通关税:30.0%
申报要素 品名, 成分含量, 用途, 丙酮报明包装
Summary 2914190090 other acyclic ketones without other oxygen function。Supervision conditions:None。VAT:17.0%。Tax rebate rate:9.0%。MFN tariff:5.5%。General tariff:30.0%

 Germane, dimethyloxo-(7CI,8CI,9CI)英文别名

Dimethylgermanium oxide