Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester

更新时间:2024-01-10 19:52:54

Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式
Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式
常用名 Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester 英文名 Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester
CAS号 6941-36-2 分子量 341.78700
密度 1.224g/cm3 沸点 475.3ºC at 760mmHg
分子式 C16H20ClNO5 熔点 N/A
MSDS N/A 闪点 241.2ºC


英文名 diethyl 2-acetamido-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]propanedioate
英文别名 更多


密度 1.224g/cm3
沸点 475.3ºC at 760mmHg
分子式 C16H20ClNO5
分子量 341.78700
闪点 241.2ºC
精确质量 341.10300
PSA 81.70000
LogP 2.27450
折射率 1.52



Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式

Propanedioic ac...


文献:Varnavas, Antonio; Lassiani, Lucia; Valenta, Valentina; Mennuni, Laura; Makovec, Francesco; Hadjipavlou-Litina, Dimitra European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 40, # 6 p. 563 - 581


Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式

Propanedioic ac...


文献:Maryanoff, Cynthia A.; Scott, Lorraine; Shah, Rekha D.; Villani Jr., Frank J. Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 1998 , vol. 9, # 18 p. 3247 - 3250


Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式

Propanedioic ac...


文献:Burckhalter; Stephens Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951 , vol. 73, p. 56


Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式

Propanedioic ac...


文献:Ghosh; Dutta Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1955 , vol. 32, p. 719,725


Propanedioic acid,2-(acetylamino)-2-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-, 1,3-diethyl ester结构式

Propanedioic ac...


文献:Ghosh; Dutta Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1955 , vol. 32, p. 719,725


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