Blunted Nitric Oxide Regulation in Tibetans under High Altitude Hypoxia



Nitric oxide (NO) is an important molecule for vasomotor tone, and an elevated NO signaling was previously hypothesized as a unique and adaptive physiological change in highland Tibetans. However, there has been lack of NO data from Tibetans living at low alt...

CO2-induced destabilization of pyrite-structured FeO2Hx in the lower mantle



Volatiles, such as carbon and water modulate the Earth's mantle rheology, partial melting and redox state, thereby playing a crucial role on the Earth's internal dynamics. We experimentally show the transformation of goethite FeOOH in presence of CO2 into a t...

Editors' selection of papers from China's academic journals



The photonic spin-Hall effect is an important but intrinsically weak effect at the nanoscale. Xiangang Luo and co-workers from the Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that a single catenary-shaped hole can generate a near-p...

Did ZIKV evolve to be more dangerous? A new clue towards neurovirulence



Before 2015, Zika virus (ZIKV) was a little-known flavivirus that caused sporadic symptomatic infections in humans (under 20 reported cases, but likely many more unreported asymptomatic cases) in the decades following its discovery during 1947 in Africa. Infe...

Thiol-Stabilized Atomically Precise, Superatomic Silver Nanoparticles for Catalyzing Cycloisomerization of Alkynyl Amines



Both the electronic and surface structures of metal nanomaterials play critical roles in determining their chemical properties. However, the non-molecular nature of conventional nanoparticles makes it extremely challenging to understand the molecular mechanis...

Manipulation of successive crystalline transformations to control electron transfer and switchable functions



Electron-transfer in solid is crucial to switchable magnetic, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties. However, it is a formidable challenge to control electron-transfer behaviors via manipulation of crystalline phases, especially through dynamic cryst...

Fifty years of plate tectonics



What would you put on your list of the great scientific revolutions of the twentieth century? Genetics? General relativity? Something to do with quantum mechanics, perhaps? One discovery that must be on that list is the theory of plate tecto-nics—the principl...

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: revealing the origin and evolutionary trace of human and other species



The Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), is China's only national institute specializing in the studies of vertebrate paleontology, paleoanthropology, and the related areas of geological and bio...

Metamaterials: artificial materials beyond nature



Research in advanced materials is continuously driving modern technologies forward. For example, semiconductors have laid the foundation for today's electronics industry. While constantly searching for new materials in nature, another approach is to craft nov...

Microbial control of the carbon cycle in the ocean



The oceans cover 71% of the area of our planet and serve as a major repository for anthropogenic CO2. The amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean is comparable to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. If all this DOC were to be respired, it would...