Journal of Chromatography A 2008-10-31

Simultaneous liquid-liquid microextraction/methylation for the determination of haloacetic acids in drinking waters by headspace gas chromatography.

M J Cardador, A Serrano, M Gallego

Index: J. Chromatogr. A. 1209(1-2) , 61-9, (2008)

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A novel analytical method that combines simultaneous liquid-liquid microextraction/methylation and headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of nine haloacetic acids (HAAs) in water was reported. A mechanistic model on the basis of mass transfer with chemical reaction in which methylation of HAAs was accomplished in n-pentane-water (150 microl-10 ml) two-phase system with a tetrabutylammonium salt as phase transfer catalyst was proposed. Derivatisation with dimethylsulphate was completed in 3 min by shaking at room temperature. The methyl ester derivatives and the organic phase were completely volatilised by static headspace technique, being the gaseous phase analysed. Parameters related to the extraction/methylation and headspace generation of HAAs were studied and the results were compared with methyl haloacetate standards to establish the yield of each step. The thermal instability of HAAs, by degradation to their respective halogenated hydrocarbon by decarboxylation, and the possible hydrolysation of the methyl esters were rigorously controlled in the whole process to obtain a reliable and robust method. The proposed method yielded detection limits very low which ranges from 0.02 to 0.4 microg l(-1) and a relative standard deviation of ca. 7.5%. Finally, the method was validated with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) method 552.2 for the analysis of HAAs in drinking and swimming pool water samples containing concentrations of HAAs that must be higher than 10 microg l(-1) due to the fact that this method is less sensitive than the proposed one.

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