Journal of Virology 2015-10-01

Protection from Severe Influenza Virus Infections in Mice Carrying the Mx1 Influenza Virus Resistance Gene Strongly Depends on Genetic Background.

Dai-Lun Shin, Bastian Hatesuer, Silke Bergmann, Tatiana Nedelko, Klaus Schughart

Index: J. Virol. 89 , 9998-10009, (2015)

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Influenza virus infections represent a serious threat to human health. Both extrinsic and intrinsic factors determine the severity of influenza. The MX dynamin-like GTPase 1 (Mx1) gene has been shown to confer strong resistance to influenza A virus infections in mice. Most laboratory mouse strains, including C57BL/6J, carry nonsense or deletion mutations in Mx1 and thus a nonfunctional allele, whereas wild-derived mouse strains carry a wild-type Mx1 allele. Congenic C57BL/6J (B6-Mx1(r/r)) mice expressing a wild-type allele from the A2G mouse strain are highly resistant to influenza A virus infections, to both mono- and polybasic subtypes. Furthermore, in genetic mapping studies, Mx1 was identified as the major locus of resistance to influenza virus infections. Here, we investigated whether the Mx1 protective function is influenced by the genetic background. For this, we generated a congenic mouse strain carrying the A2G wild-type Mx1 resistance allele on a DBA/2J background (D2-Mx1(r/r)). Most remarkably, congenic D2-Mx1(r/r) mice expressing a functional Mx1 wild-type allele are still highly susceptible to H1N1 virus. However, pretreatment of D2-Mx1(r/r) mice with alpha interferon protected them from lethal infections. Our results showed, for the first time, that the presence of an Mx1 wild-type allele from A2G as such does not fully protect mice from lethal influenza A virus infections. These observations are also highly relevant for susceptibility to influenza virus infections in humans.Influenza A virus represents a major health threat to humans. Seasonal influenza epidemics cause high economic loss, morbidity, and deaths each year. Genetic factors of the host strongly influence susceptibility and resistance to virus infections. The Mx1 (MX dynamin-like GTPase 1) gene has been described as a major resistance gene in mice and humans. Most inbred laboratory mouse strains are deficient in Mx1, but congenic B6-Mx1(r/r) mice that carry the wild-type Mx1 gene from the A2G mouse strain are highly resistant. Here, we show that, very unexpectedly, congenic D2-Mx1(r/r) mice carrying the wild-type Mx1 gene from the A2G strain are not fully protected against lethal influenza virus infections. These observations demonstrate that the genetic background is very important for the protective function of the Mx1 resistance gene. Our results are also highly relevant for understanding genetic susceptibility to influenza virus infections in humans.Copyright © 2015, Shin et al.

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