Nanoscale 2015-07-21

Ordered mesoporous polymers in situ coated on a stainless steel wire for a highly sensitive solid phase microextraction fibre.

Juan Zheng, Yeru Liang, Shuqin Liu, Yajuan Ding, Yong Shen, Tiangang Luan, Fang Zhu, Ruifen Jiang, Dingcai Wu, Gangfeng Ouyang

Index: Nanoscale 7 , 11720-6, (2015)

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Development of facile and effective methods for fabrication of high-performance solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibres remains a great challenge. Herein, a new class of ordered mesoporous polymers (OMPs) in situ coated on a stainless steel wire were successfully developed and utilized as a highly sensitive and stable SPME fibre for the first time. Because of the highly ordered mesoporous structure of its OMP coating, the π-π interactions and the dispersion forces, the OMP-coated SPME fibre exhibited much better extraction properties as compared to the commercial PDMS fibre. The findings could provide a new benchmark for preparing well-defined porous materials for the SPME application.

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