Ketorolac tromethamine pharmacokinetics and metabolism after intravenous, intramuscular, and oral administration in humans and animals.
E J Mroszczak, D Jung, J Yee, L Bynum, H Sevelius, I Massey
Index: Pharmacotherapy 10(6 ( Pt 2)) , 33S-39S, (1990)
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In humans, ketorolac is completely bioavailable and its kinetics are linear. It is absorbed rapidly (half-life for absorption 3.8 min) after oral (fasting) and intramuscular administration; food delays but does not reduce its absorption. The drug is highly protein bound in humans (greater than 99%). The mean plasma elimination half-life is 5-6 hours, and ketorolac is not extensively distributed outside the vascular compartment (Vd beta 15 L). Virtually all of the drug-related material circulating in plasma is in the form of ketorolac (greater than 96%), with the only metabolite the pharmacologically inactive p-hydroxyketorolac (PHK). Humans excrete about 90% of the administered dose in urine. About 60% of drug-related material recovered from urine is ketorolac, about 12% is PHK, and 28% represents polar, glucuronide conjugates of ketorolac. The animal models in which ketorolac's metabolism and kinetics are most similar to those in humans are the mouse and monkey, respectively.
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