Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2011-01-01

Selective solid-phase extraction using molecularly imprinted polymer for analysis of methamidophos in water and soil samples.

Zhong-Lan Shen, Dong Yuan, Qing-De Su, Hui Zhang, Jun Wang, Jian-Hua Zhu, Yan-Ming Liu

Index: Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 75(3) , 473-9, (2011)

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An analytical methodology for the analysis of methamidophos in water and soil samples incorporating a molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction process using methamidophos-imprinted polymer was developed. Binding study demonstrated that the polymer exhibited excellent affinity and high selectivity to the methamidophos. Evidence was also found by FT-IR analysis that hydrogen bonding between the CO(2)H in the polymer cavities and the NH(2) and P=O of the template was the origin of methamidophos recognition. The use of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction improved the accuracy and precision of the GC method and lowered the limit of detection. The recovery of methamidophos extracted from a 10.0 g soil sample at the 100 ng/g spike level was 95.4%. The limit of detection was 3.8 ng/g. The recovery of methamidophos extracted from 100 mL tap and river water at 1 ng/mL spike level was 96.1% and 95.8%, and the limits of detection were 10 and 13 ng/L respectively. These molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction procedures enabled selective extraction of polar methamidophos successfully from water and soil samples, demonstrating the potential of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction for rapid, selective, and cost-effective sample pretreatment.

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