Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011-09-23

Shedding of the Mer tyrosine kinase receptor is mediated by ADAM17 protein through a pathway involving reactive oxygen species, protein kinase Cδ, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK).

Edward Thorp, Tomas Vaisar, Manikandan Subramanian, Lauren Mautner, Carl Blobel, Ira Tabas

Index: J. Biol. Chem. 286(38) , 33335-44, (2011)

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Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) is an integral membrane protein that is preferentially expressed by phagocytic cells, where it promotes efferocytosis and inhibits inflammatory signaling. Proteolytic cleavage of MerTK at an unidentified site leads to shedding of its soluble ectodomain (soluble MER; sMER), which can inhibit thrombosis in mice and efferocytosis in vitro. Herein, we show that MerTK is cleaved at proline 485 in murine macrophages. Site-directed deletion of 6 amino acids spanning proline 485 rendered MerTK resistant to proteolysis and suppression of efferocytosis by cleavage-inducing stimuli. LPS is a known inducer of MerTK cleavage, and the intracellular signaling pathways required for this action are unknown. LPS/TLR4-mediated generation of sMER required disintegrin and metalloproteinase ADAM17 and was independent of Myd88, instead requiring TRIF adaptor signaling. LPS-induced cleavage was suppressed by deficiency of NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox2) and PKCδ. The addition of the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine inhibited PKCδ, and silencing of PKCδ inhibited MAPK p38, which was also required. In a mouse model of endotoxemia, we discovered that LPS induced plasma sMER, and this was suppressed by Adam17 deficiency. Thus, a TRIF-mediated pattern recognition receptor signaling cascade requires NADPH oxidase to activate PKCδ and then p38, culminating in ADAM17-mediated proteolysis of MerTK. These findings link innate pattern recognition receptor signaling to proteolytic inactivation of MerTK and generation of sMER and uncover targets to test how MerTK cleavage affects efferocytosis efficiency and inflammation resolution in vivo.

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