Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2011-01-01

Telephone management of severe wasp stings in rural Nepal: a case report.

Tshering Lama, Biraj Karmacharya, Colin Chandler, Victor Patterson

Index: J. Telemed. Telecare 17(2) , 105-8, (2011)

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We describe a young woman from a rural village in Nepal who suffered multiple wasp and hornet stings. She collapsed and was managed by a telephone consultation between a village health worker and a hospital specialist. The patient recovered fully. Not only was the telephone consultation efficient in terms of cost savings from avoided hospital treatment, but it was also effective since, with conventional care, there was a strong possibility that the patient would have died on her way to hospital. This case illustrates the potential for telephone-delivered rural care and management in emergency situations.

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