Biochemical Journal 1995-10-15

Synthesis and mass-spectrometric characterization of human serum albumins modified by covalent binding of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: tolmetin and zomepirac.

P Zia-Amirhosseini, A Ding, A L Burlingame, A F McDonagh, L Z Benet

Index: Biochem. J. 311 ( Pt 2) , 431-5, (1995)

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Human serum albumins modified by covalently bound tolmetin or zomepirac were synthesized as models for similar products formed in vivo from acyl glucuronides. Activated esters of both drugs were prepared with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodi-imide, and then allowed to react with human serum albumin. Tryptic digests of both protein products were analysed by HPLC to identify peptides containing covalently bound drugs, and binding sites on albumin were identified by high-performance tandem MS. Three binding sites were common to both products, i.e. lysine-195, -199 and -351. Three further modified residues were identified for the tolmetin-albumin product, i.e. aspartic acid 1, and lysine-524 and -536.

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