Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2003-01-01

Light microscopical observation of infraciliary bands of Eodinium posterovesiculatum in comparison with Entodinium bursa and Diplodinium dentatum.

Akira Ito, Soichi Imai

Index: J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50(1) , 34-42, (2003)

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Morphological features of the four morphotypes of the rumen ciliate, Eodinium posterovesiculatum, are described from pyridinated silver carbonate-impregnated specimens. Infraciliary bands are compared with those of Entodinium bursa and Diplodinium dentatum. In Entodinium bursa, the adoral polybrachykinety is "C" shaped and the vestibular polybrachykinety extends from the dorsal extremity of the adoral polybrachykinety as in other Entodinium species. In Diplodinium dentatum, the adoral polybrachykinety encircles most of the circumference of the vestibular opening and the vestibular polybrachykinety extends from the inner side of the adoral polybrachykinety as in other Diplodinium species. Infraciliary bands in Eodinium posterovesiculatum encircle the whole circumference of the vestibular opening and are, therefore, distinct from Entodinium, Diplodinium and other ciliates in the family Ophryoscolecidae. In Eodinium posterovesiculatum, the adoral polybrachykinety and the anterior part of the vestibular polybrachykinety encircle the vestibular opening. The wide and long vestibular polybrachykinety extends along the right wall of the tubular vestibulum and is bordered by a kinety. Kinetids in the central part of the vestibular polybrachykinety are randomly disposed. The genus Eodinium is valid because of this characteristic polybrachykinety arrangement in Eodinium posterovesiculatum.

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