Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 2002-06-01

Dermal absorption in rhesus monkeys of polychlorinated biphenyls from soil contaminated with Aroclor 1260.

Brian A Mayes, George L Brown, Frank J Mondello, Kevin W Holtzclaw, Stephen B Hamilton, Arthur A Ramsey

Index: Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 35(3) , 289-95, (2002)

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Human health risk assessments involving contaminated soil include dermal absorption as a potential pathway contributing to the total exposure burden. For PCB-contaminated soil, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uses a dermal absorption factor of 14%, based on a 1993 study of dermal absorption in rhesus monkeys. The current study examined several parameters that can influence the dermal absorption of lipophilic hydrocarbons, including soil organic content, particle size, skin residence time, and contaminant "aging" in the soil. Four groups of four female rhesus monkeys each were exposed to radiolabeled Aroclor 1260 either intravenously (100% absorption) or dermally with PCB-spiked soil. Groups exposed for 12 or 24 h to PCBs aged in soil exhibited percutaneous absorption values of 3.43 +/- 0.35 and 4.26 +/- 0.52%, respectively, while a group exposed for 24 h to soil freshly spiked with PCBs exhibited a dermal absorption value of 4.07 +/- 0.46%. Evidence strongly suggests that the factor most responsible for modulating the percutaneous absorption of highly lipophilic compounds from soil is its organic content. The base soil used in the current study with Aroclor 1260 had an organic content of 5-6% (< or =2 mm particle fraction), a value typical for U.S. soil. The organic content of the soil applied to the skin was 8.7% (<150 microm particle fraction), a value that contrasts sharply with the soil containing 0.9% organics used in the 1993 study with Aroclors 1242 and 1254 that produced a dermal absorption value of 14% for PCBs.Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)

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