Journal of Organic Chemistry 2006-04-14

Construction of highly glycosylated mucin-type glycopeptides based on microwave-assisted solid-phase syntheses and enzymatic modifications.

Takahiko Matsushita, Hiroshi Hinou, Masataka Fumoto, Masaki Kurogochi, Naoki Fujitani, Hiroki Shimizu, Shin-ichiro Nishimura

Index: J. Org. Chem. 71(8) , 3051-63, (2006)

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A MUC1-related glycopeptide having five core-2 hexasaccharide branches (C330H527N46O207, MW = 8450.9) was synthesized by a new strategy using a combination of microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis (MA-SPGS) and enzymatic sugar elongation. Synthesis of a key glycopeptide intermediate was best achieved in a combination of PEGA [poly(ethylene glycol)-poly-(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) copolymer] resin and MA-SPGS using glycosylated amino acid building blocks with high speed and high purity. Deprotection of the glycopeptide intermediate and subsequent glycosyltransferase-catalyzed sugar elongations were performed for generation of the additional diversities with the sugar moieties of glycopeptides using beta1,4-galactosyltransferase (beta1,4-GalT) and two kinds of alpha2,3-sialyltransferases [ST3Gal III; alpha2,3-(N)-SiaT and ST3Gal II; alpha2,3-(O)-SiaT]. These reactions proceeded successfully in the presence of 0.2% Triton X-100 to convert the chemically synthesized trisaccharide glycans to disialylated hexasaccharide.

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