Pest Management Science 2004-02-01

Benzoylphenylurea residues in peppers and zucchinis grown in greenhouses: determination of decline times and pre-harvest intervals by modelling.

Trinidad López-López, José L Martínez-Vidal, María D Gil-García, María Martínez-Galera, José A Rodríguez-Lallena

Index: Pest Manag. Sci. 60(2) , 183-90, (2004)

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Residue levels and degradation rates of five benzoylphenylurea insecticides were studied in zucchinis and peppers grown in experimental greenhouses in Almería (Spain). Benzoylphenylurea residues were analyzed by HPLC using on-line post-elution photoirradiation with fluorescence detection. Mathematically defined decline curves were established by determining optimal relationships between benzoylphenylurea residues and time, using different models. The models that best fitted the experimental data were those of first-order for diflubenzuron, triflumuron, hexaflumuron and flufenoxuron in zucchini and RF first-order models for the five insecticides in peppers and for lufenuron in zucchini. Half-life times for the residues on the two vegetables were estimated from the optimal models. In order to guarantee safe consumption of the two vegetables, we have estimated suitable pre-harvest intervals complying with the maximum residue levels established by the Spanish Government. In all cases, such pre-harvest intervals were shorter than those specified by the manufacturers of commercial formulates. Experimental data for the five insecticides in peppers and for lufenuron in zucchini were also fitted to a first-order model. Even though this function was legitimized statistically, estimations of decline times (T/2) and pre-harvest intervals were quite different from those provided by the optimal model.

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