Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 2010-01-01

Respiratory inductive plethysmography as a method for measuring ventilatory parameters in conscious, non-restrained dogs.

Dennis J Murphy, Jonathan P Renninger, Daniel Schramek

Index: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods 62(1) , 47-53, (2010)

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Assessing the effects of new chemical entities on respiratory function in animal models is an essential component of preclinical drug safety evaluation. Methods currently available for measuring ventilatory parameters in conscious dogs generally utilize a plethysmograph chamber or a face mask equipped with a pneumotachograph attached to the snout of the animal. These methods require restraint and allow for only short, periodic measurements. Because of these limitations, respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) was evaluated as a possible new methodology that will allow for continuous monitoring of respiratory parameters in non-restrained dogs for extended periods of time.Straps containing inductive coils were placed around the thorax and abdomen to measure thoracic and abdominal excursions. The straps were contained within a protective jacket that was placed on the dogs and the electrical signals from the inductive coils were transmitted by telemetry to a receiver. The data were acquired and analyzed using the Vivometrics(R) LifeShirt(R) PreClinical System. Because postural changes can alter tidal volume measurements using RIP, the jacket also contained an accelerometer that was used to record postural changes during ventilatory measurements.Measurement of ventilatory parameters in dogs following manual placement in different positions (e.g., standing, sitting, lateral recumbent) or during the different postures in non-restrained dogs demonstrated that changes in posture had only a minimal influence (

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