Journal of Chromatography B 2010-05-15

Using short columns to speed up LC-MS quantification in MS binding assays.

Georg Höfner, Klaus Theodor Wanner

Index: J. Chromatogr. B. Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. 878(17-18) , 1356-64, (2010)

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The present study describes the use of short columns to speed up LC-MS quantification in MS binding assays. The concept of MS binding assays follows closely the principle of traditional radioligand binding but uses MS for the quantification of bound marker thus eliminating the need for a radiolabelled ligand. The general strategy of increasing the throughput of this type of binding assay by the use of short columns is exemplified for NO 711 binding addressing GAT1, the most prevalent GABA transporter in the CNS. Employing short RP-18 columns with the dimension of 20 mm x 2 mm and 10 mm x 2 mm at flow rates up to 1000 microL/min in an isocratic mode retention times of 8-9s and chromatographic cycle times of 18s could be achieved. Based on the internal standard [(2)H(10)]NO 711 fast chromatography methods were developed for four different columns that enabled quantification of NO 711 in a range from 50 pM up to 5 nM directly out of reconstituted matrix samples without further sample preparation. A validation of the established methods with respect to linearity, intra- and inter-batch accuracy and precision showed that the requirements according to the FDA guideline for bioanalytical methods are met. Furthermore the established short column methods were applied to the quantification of NO 711 in saturation experiments. The results obtained (i.e., K(d)- and B(max)-values) were almost identical as compared to those determined employing standard column dimension (55 mm x 2 mm).Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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