Environmental Technology (Cranfield, UK) 2009-09-01

Kinetics of adsorption of sulphonated azo dyes on strong basic anion exchangers.

Monika Wawrzkiewicz, Zbigniew Hubicki

Index: Environ. Technol. 30(10) , 1059-71, (2009)

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The macroporous polystyrene anion exchangers Amberlite IRA-900 and Amberlite IRA-910 were used in order to remove sulphonated azo dyes (Allura Red and Sunset Yellow) from aqueous solutions of 100-500 mg/L concentrations. The experimental data obtained at 100, 200, 300 and 500 mg/L initial concentrations at 20 degrees C were applied to the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and Weber-Morris kinetic models. The calculated sorption capacities (qe,cal) and the rate constant of the first-order adsorption (k1) were determined. The pseudo-second-order kinetic constants (k2) and capacities were calculated from the plots of t/qt vs t, 1/qt vs 1/t, 1/t vs 1/qt, qt/t vs qt and 1/qe-qt vs t for type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4 and type 5 of the pseudo-second-order expression, respectively. The influence of phase contact time, initial dye concentration, solution pH and temperature on Allura Red and Sunset Yellow removal was also discussed.

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