Biotechnology Letters 2003-10-01

The first isolation of two types of trifluoroleucine resistant mutants of Saccharomyces servazzii.

Tatsuya Tominaga, Yohei Okuzawa, Shiro Kato, Motofumi Suzuki

Index: Biotechnol. Lett. 25(20) , 1735-8, (2003)

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Saccharomyces servazzii plays a crucial role in the making of Japanese radish pickles. To make more flavorsome pickles, we sought to generate trifluoroleucine-resistant mutants of S. servazzii. The three resulting mutants could be classified into two types: one that produces more isoamyl alcohol than the parental strain, and one that produces less. The first type has been well documented in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but the latter appears to be novel and has been characterized as such.

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