Journal of Food Science 2011-08-01

Reduction of fumonisin B₁ in corn grits by twin-screw extrusion.

Lauren S Jackson, Joseph Jablonski, Lloyd B Bullerman, Andreia Bianchini, Milford A Hanna, Kenneth A Voss, April D Hollub, Dojin Ryu

Index: J. Food Sci. 76(6) , T150-5, (2011)

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This study was designed to investigate the fate of fumonisins in flaking corn grits during twin-screw extrusion by measuring fumonisin B₁ (FB₁) and its analogs with a mass balance approach. Food grade corn grits and 2 batches of grits contaminated with FB₁ at 10 and 50 μg/g by Fusarium verticillioides M-2552 were processed with or without glucose supplementation (10%, w/w) with a twin-screw extruder. Extrusion reduced FB₁ in contaminated grits by 64% to 72% without glucose and 89% to 94% with added glucose. In addition, extrusion alone resulted in 26% to 73% reduction in the levels of fumonisin B₂ and fumonisin B₃, while levels of both mycotoxins were reduced by >89% in extruded corn grits containing 10% glucose. Mass balance analysis showed that 38% to 46% of the FB₁ species detected in corn extruded with glucose was N-(deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-FB₁, while 23% to 37% of FB₁ species detected in extruded corn grits with and without added glucose was bound to the matrix. It was also found that the hydrolyzed form of FB₁ was a minor species in extruded corn grits with or without added glucose, representing <15% of the total FB₁ species present. Less than 46% of FB₁ originally present in corn grits could be detected in the fumonisin analogues measured in this study. Research is needed to identify the reaction products resulting from extrusion processing of fumonisin-contaminated corn products.Twin-screw extrusion is widely used in food industry for its versatility. This technology may reduce the level of fumonisins in corn particularly with added glucose.Journal of Food Science © 2011 Institute of Food Technologists® No claim to original US government works.

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