Nucleic Acids Research 2014-07-01

Rps5-Rps16 communication is essential for efficient translation initiation in yeast S. cerevisiae.

Arnab Ghosh, Supriya Jindal, Amber A Bentley, Alan G Hinnebusch, Anton A Komar

Index: Nucleic Acids Res. 42(13) , 8537-55, (2014)

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Conserved ribosomal proteins frequently harbor additional segments in eukaryotes not found in bacteria, which could facilitate eukaryotic-specific reactions in the initiation phase of protein synthesis. Here we provide evidence showing that truncation of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of yeast Rps5 (absent in bacterial ortholog S7) impairs translation initiation, cell growth and induction of GCN4 mRNA translation in a manner suggesting incomplete assembly of 48S preinitiation complexes (PICs) at upstream AUG codons in GCN4 mRNA. Rps5 mutations evoke accumulation of factors on native 40S subunits normally released on conversion of 48S PICs to 80S initiation complexes (ICs) and this abnormality and related phenotypes are mitigated by the SUI5 variant of eIF5. Remarkably, similar effects are observed by substitution of Lys45 in the Rps5-NTD, involved in contact with Rps16, and by eliminating the last two residues of the C-terminal tail (CTT) of Rps16, believed to contact initiator tRNA base-paired to AUG in the P site. We propose that Rps5-NTD-Rps16-NTD interaction modulates Rps16-CTT association with Met-tRNAi (Met) to promote a functional 48S PIC. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

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