Journal of Toxicological Sciences 1998-05-01

Comparison of sex differences in guinea-pig maximization test for detection of skin-sensitizing potential using OECD recommended positive control sensitizers.

Y Nakamura, T Higaki, H Kato, F Kishida, I Nakatsuka

Index: J. Toxicol. Sci. 23(2) , 105-11, (1998)

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Both male and female guinea pigs are widely used in tests to detect the skin-sensitizing potential of new chemicals. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the animal gender on sensitization rates, with the guinea-pig maximization test (GPMT) using OECD recommended positive control sensitizers, and the differences of the density of Langerhans cells in male and female guinea pigs. The sensitization rates of males and females challenged with HCA, MBT or benzocaine gave almost the same results. There were no statistical differences between the mean responses of males and females. These results were confirmed by rechallenge with the OECD recommended positive controls. Furthermore, the density of Langerhans cells in abdominal epidermis in males (1229 +/- 45 cells/mm2) was the same as that in females (1242 +/- 89 cells/mm2). These results indicate that there is no significant influence of guinea-pig gender in the assessment of skin-sensitizing potential using the GPMT.

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