Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 1988-05-01

The effects of allyl isovalerate on the hematopoietic and immunologic systems in rodents.

H L Hong, J E Huff, M I Luster, R R Maronpot, M P Dieter, H T Hayes, G A Boorman

Index: Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 10(4) , 655-63, (1988)

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Female B6C3F1 mice plus male and female Fischer 344/N rats were gavaged with allyl isovalerate (AIV) in corn oil at 0, 31, 62, or 125 (mice) and 0, 31, 62, 125, or 250 (rats) mg/kg body weight for five daily exposures per week for a 2-week period. Hematologic, immunologic, and histopathologic studies were performed 48 to 72 hr following the final treatment. AIV exposure had no effect on hematology or bone marrow cellularity in mice or rats. AIV exposure at 250 mg/kg was toxic to rats causing reduced weight gain and hepatotoxicity. In vivo and in vitro studies revealed that pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (CFU-S) and granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (CFU-GM) in the bone marrow were decreased in the treated mice. Hematopoietic suppression was correlated with the reduction in the hexose monophosphate shunt metabolism of bone marrow cells but the Embden-Meyerhof pathway and tricarboxylic acid pathway enzymes did not appear to be affected. Examination of host resistance following Plasmodium and Listeria challenge did not demonstrate significant differences between treated and control mice, nor were there other effects on the immune system. This suggests that the myelotoxic effects were minimal and of a degree that would not alter host resistance.

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