Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007-02-28

Top-down solid-phase fabrication of nanoporous cadmium oxide architectures.

Haidong Yu, Deshen Wang, Ming-Yong Han

Index: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129(8) , 2333-7, (2007)

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In this article, we have demonstrated one-step solid-phase transformation from high-quality cadmium carbonate microcrystals into highly nanoporous cadmium oxide. The high crystal quality of cadmium carbonate is critical for the successful fabrication of porous nanoarchitectures with predetermined morphology and well-controlled internal structure. This novel strategy has a good potential to prepare nanoporous materials at a large scale by using perfect monolithic carbonate crystals, and it is also useful to synthesize different nanoporous materials on metal-oxide-coated substrates. Meanwhile, this simple thermal transformation of cadmium carbonate into porous structures has further been extended to convert calcium carbonate into such porous structures.

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