Biotechnology Journal 2010-05-01

Functional glass surface displaying a glutamyl donor substrate for transglutaminase-mediated protein immobilization.

Kyunga Sung, Noriho Kamiya, Noriyuki Kawata, Shinji Kamiya, Masahiro Goto

Index: Biotechnol. J. 5 , 456-462, (2010)

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A chemically modified glass surface displaying a glutamyl donor substrate peptide (Z-QG) was developed for microbial transglutaminase (MTG)-mediated immobilization of recombinant proteins tagged with an MTG-reactive lysine-containing substrate peptide (K-tag). To evaluate the surface modification conditions affecting the enzymatic protein immobilization, we employed an amino-modified 96-well glass plate as a base and prepared three types of glass surfaces displaying Z-QG. Validation of the Z-QG modified glass surfaces with recombinant enhanced green fluorescent proteins revealed that the insertion of a di(ethylene glycol) linker between the terminal Z-QG moiety and the base not only enhances enzymatic protein immobilization efficiency but also decreases nonselective protein adsorption. A bacterial alkaline phosphatase fused with a K-tag at the N terminus was also successfully immobilized to the designed glass surface, suggesting that the chemically modified glass surface displaying a spatially controlled glutamyl donor substrate is a potential platform for MTG-mediated fabrication of protein-based solid biomaterials.

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