Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2009-10-21

Single-step enzymatic synthesis of (R)-2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl glycerate, a compatible solute from micro-organisms that functions as a protein stabiliser.

Thornthan Sawangwan, Christiane Goedl, Bernd Nidetzky

Index: Org. Biomol. Chem. 7(20) , 4267-70, (2009)

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Regioselective glucosylation of R-glycerate catalysed by sucrose phosphorylase in the presence of sucrose as the donor substrate provided the natural compatible solute (R)-2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl glycerate with complete regioselectivity in an optimised synthetic yield of 90% R-glycerate converted and a concentration of about 270 mM.

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