Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006-06-29

Voltammetric monitoring of gold nanoparticle formation facilitated by glycyl-L-tyrosine: relation to electronic spectra and transmission electron microscopy images.

J M Booth, S K Bhargava, A M Bond, A P O'Mullane

Index: J. Phys. Chem. B 110(25) , 12419-26, (2006)

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Voltammetric techniques have been introduced to monitor the formation of gold nanoparticles produced via the reaction of the amino acid glycyl-L-tyrosine with Au(III) (bromoaurate) in 0.05 M KOH conditions. The alkaline conditions facilitate amino acid binding to Au(III), inhibit the rate of reduction to Au(0), and provide an excellent supporting electrolyte for voltammetric studies. Data obtained revealed that a range of time-dependent gold solution species are involved in gold nanoparticle formation and that the order in which reagents are mixed is critical to the outcome. Concomitantly with voltammetric measurements, the properties of gold nanoparticles formed are probed by examination of electronic spectra in order to understand how the solution environment present during nanoparticle growth affects the final distribution of the nanoparticles. Images obtained by the ex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique enable the physical properties of the nanoparticles isolated in the solid state to be assessed. Use of this combination of in situ and ex situ techniques provides a versatile framework for elucidating the details of nanoparticle formation.

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