Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006-07-26

Purification and characterization of trypsin from the spleen of tongol tuna (Thunnus tonggol).

Sappasith Klomklao, Soottawat Benjakul, Wonnop Visessanguan, Hideki Kishimura, Benjamin K Simpson

Index: J. Agric. Food Chem. 54 , 5617-5622, (2006)

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Trypsin from tongol tuna (Thunnus tonggol) spleen was purified to 402-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by a series of chromatographic separations. The molecular mass of trypsin was estimated to be 24 kDa by size-exclusion chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Trypsin appearing as a single band on native PAGE showed the maximal activity at pH 8.5 and 65 degrees C. It was stable in a wide pH range of 6-11 but unstable at the temperatures greater than 50 degrees C. The enzyme required calcium ion for thermal stability. The activity was strongly inhibited by 1.0 g/L soybean trypsin inhibitor and 5 mM TLCK and partially inhibited by 2 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Activity was lowered with an increasing NaCl concentration (0-30%). The enzyme had a Km for Nalpha-p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride of 0.25 mM and a Kcat of 200 s-1. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of trypsin was determined as IVGGYECQAHSQPHQVSLNA and was very homologous to other trypsins.

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