Medical and Veterinary Entomology 1992-07-01

Effects of hydroprene on development and reproduction in the Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis.

J E Short, J P Edwards

Index: Med. Vet. Entomol. 6(3) , 244-50, (1992)

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Nymphs of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis were exposed during the penultimate and final instars to vinyl tiles treated with the juvenile hormone analogue hydroprene. Adults moulting from these nymphs exhibited deformities such as twisted wings in both sexes and modified genitalia in females. Females with deformities were unable to produce viable oothecae. B.orientalis confined on tiles treated with hydroprene at rates of 25-100 mg/m2 did not reproduce. The treatment rate of 10 mg/m2 reduced fecundity and caused 47-57% of resultant adults to have deformities, but some adults reproduced successfully and population growth was not suppressed.

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