Chemical Record 2011-06-01

Organic superconductors.

Gunzi Saito, Yukihiro Yoshida

Index: Chem. Rec. 11(3) , 124-45, (2011)

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The present status of organic superconductors of charge-transfer (CT) type based on donor molecules is reviewed. Along with the superconducting phases of such materials and also of oxide superconductors, reside spin-ordered phases such as spin-density wave (SDW) and antiferromagnetic (AF) phases. We briefly describe the recent development of superconductors having a superconducting phase next to a spin-disorder state (quantum spin liquid state). In addition to the CT type superconductors, there are a few single-component superconductors under high pressure.Copyright © 2011 The Japan Chemical Journal Forum and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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