Pfluegers Archiv/European Journal of Physiology 2003-07-01

Inhibition of fast sodium current in rabbit ventricular myocytes by protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

Yanggan Wang, Mary B Wagner, Rajiv Kumar, Jun Cheng, Ronald W Joyner

Index: Pflugers Arch. 446(4) , 485-91, (2003)

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The present study investigated the effects of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors on the fast sodium current ( I(Na)) in rabbit ventricular myocytes. Single rabbit ventricular myocytes were isolated enzymatically using Langendorff perfusion. I(Na) was recorded using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique at room temperature. The protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein, AG957, ST638, and PP2 reversibly inhibited I(Na) in a concentration-dependent manner. At a test pulse potential of -30 mV, genistein (n=7) inhibited I(Na) by 37.7+/-3.2%, 53.4+/-2.5%, and 71.8+/-2.7% at concentrations of 15, 50, and 100 microM, respectively, without changing the voltage dependence of activation, while 100 microM AG957, 100 microM ST638, and 30 microM PP2 inhibited I(Na) by 38.7+/-2.4, 35.8+/-3.4, and 21.1+/-3.9%, respectively. Genistein (100 microM) and AG957 (100 microM) shifted the voltage for half-maximal inactivation of I(Na) from -76.7+/-2.0 mV (n=10) in control to -88.37+/-2.6 mV (n=6, P<0.05), and -82.9+/-1.7 (n=4, P<0.05), respectively, without changing the slope factor. Genistein and AG957 also significantly prolonged the time course of I(Na) recovery from inactivation. Daidzein and PP3, inactive analogs of genistein and PP2, respectively, did not inhibit I(Na) significantly. We conclude that protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathways may play an important role in regulation of I(Na) in cardiac myocytes.

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