Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists 1991-01-01

Determination of nabam fungicide in crops by liquid chromatography with postcolumn reaction detection.

C J Miles, M Zhou

Index: J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 74(2) , 384-8, (1991)

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The ethylenebisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicide, nabam, was determined in several crop matrixes using liquid chromatography with postcolumn reaction detection. After separation by micellar liquid chromatography, nabam (EBDC sodium salt) was acid hydrolyzed to ethylenediamine and fluorigenically labeled with o-phthalaldehyde-mercaptoethanol (OPA-MERC). Standard curves were linear from the detection limit of ca 1 ng to 1000 ng. Nabam was recovered in high yield (89 plus or minus 7.7%) over a range of concentrations (0.1 to 20 ppm) from fortified samples of papaya, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, and applesauce using a simple extraction method. Efforts to convert the more popular EBDC fungicides, maneb and mancozeb, to nabam are discussed.

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