Vaccine 2005-09-15

Improved intranasal immunization with live-attenuated measles virus after co-inoculation of the lipopeptide MALP-2.

Anke Lührmann, Thomas Tschernig, Reinhard Pabst, Stefan Niewiesk

Index: Vaccine 23(39) , 4721-6, (2005)

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The macrophage-activating lipopeptide with a molecular weight of 2kDa (MALP-2) activates antigen presenting cells of human, mouse and rat origin in vitro and in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that MALP-2 induces MIP1alpha and beta, MIP-2, Gro, TNFalpha, IL1alpha and IL6 in cells of cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in vitro. Intranasal inoculation into cotton rats leads to migration of neutrophils and other leucocytes into the lung lumen and lung tissue. After intranasal co-inoculation of MALP-2 with live-attenuated measles vaccine virus, higher titers of neutralizing antibodies are induced but the proliferative T cell response did not increase. Immunization leads to protective immunity in the absence, but not in the presence of passively transferred measles virus (MV) specific antibodies.

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