The dopamine D3-receptor: a postsynaptic receptor inhibitory on rat locomotor activity.

N Waters, K Svensson, S R Haadsma-Svensson, M W Smith, A Carlsson

Index: J. Neural Transm. Gen. Sect. 94 , 11-19, (1993)

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We report on the pharmacological effects of the 20 fold D3 vs. D2 dopamine receptor preferring compound U99194A. It is shown that U99194A increases rat locomotor activity at doses that do not increase release or utilisation of dopamine in the striatum or the nucleus accumbens significantly. The data do not support any direct agonist action of U99194A at dopamine receptors. It is suggested that U99194A can antagonise a population of postsynaptic dopamine receptors involved in the suppression of some aspects of psychomotor activity. These postsynaptic receptors presumably belong to the D3 receptor subtype.

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