Medicina (Florence, Italy) 1989-01-01


M Romero, M G Franzosi

Index: Medicina (Firenze.) 9(1) , 93-6, (1989)

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Nizatidine is a new H2-receptor antagonist, as potent as ranitidine. It does not interfere with hepatic metabolism and it lacks anti-androgenic effects. An evening dose of 300 mg suppresses nocturnal acid secretion without diurnal carryover. Published clinical trials are limited. Over 3800 patients who have been treated with nizatidine, 300 mg for up to eight weeks or 150 mg at night for a year, did not appear to have significantly unexpected or unwanted side effects. Rate of healing for both duodenal and gastric ulcers and reduction in the rate of relapse are comparable to those of ranitidine.

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