Clinical Immunology 2003-09-01

Suplatast tosilate inhibits eosinophil production and recruitment into the skin in murine contact sensitivity.

Takahiro Satoh, Go Sasaki, Ming Hua Wu, Hiroo Yokozeki, Ichiro Katayama, Kiyoshi Nishioka

Index: Clin. Immunol. 108(3) , 257-62, (2003)

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Antiallergic drugs and antihistamines have been widely used for controlling mucosal allergic diseases in which eosinophilia is prominent. Although H1-receptor antagonists are effective for treating histamine-induced wheal and itch in urticaria, the effects of antihistamines and antiallergic agents on other eosinophilic skin diseases remain to be determined. We investigated the effects of oral administration of antiallergic drugs and antihistamines, such as suplatast tosilate, emedastine difumarate, and azelastine hydrochloride, on a novel murine model of eosinophilia in contact sensitivity to picryl chloride. Among the drugs tested, only suplatast tosilate remarkably inhibited blood and tissue eosinophilia and the ear swelling responses. The inhibitory effects on eosinophilia seemed to be mediated by the suppression of IL-5 production in spleen cells during eosinophil development, while the effects on the ear swelling response seemed to be mediated by suppression of IL-4 production in immune lymph node cells in the efferent phase. Suplatast tosilate may effectively treat eosinophilic skin diseases in which Th2-cell-derived cytokines are predominant.

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