Plant and Cell Physiology 2011-01-01

Analogs of the CLV3 peptide: synthesis and structure-activity relationships focused on proline residues.

Tatsuhiko Kondo, Kenjiro Yokomine, Aya Nakagawa, Youji Sakagami

Index: Plant Cell Physiol. 52 , 30-6, (2011)

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CLAVATA3 (CLV3) is a plant peptide hormone in which the proline residues are post-translationally hydroxylated and glycosylated. CLV3 plays a key role in controlling the stem cell mass in the shoot meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. In a previous report, we identified a dodecapeptide (MCLV3) from CLV3-overexpressing Arabidopsis calli; MCLV3 was the smallest functional peptide derived from the CLV3 precursor. Here, we designed a series of MCLV3 analogs in which proline residues were substituted with proline derivatives or N-substituted glycines (peptoids). Peptoid substitution at Pro9 decreased bioactivity without affecting specific binding to the CLV1-related protein in cauliflower membrane. These findings suggest that peptoid-substituted peptides would be lead compounds for developing potential agonists and antagonists of CLV3.

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