Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1992-03-01

D and C Red No. 9: genotoxic or non-genotoxic carcinogen?

C Westmoreland, D Gatehouse

Index: Mutat. Res. 281(3) , 163-7, (1992)

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The azo-compound, D and C Red No. 9 was assayed for genotoxicity in vivo using the rat micronucleus test and the rat ex vivo liver UDS assay. Uniformly negative results were obtained in both assays, even though large oral doses were used (2 g/kg). These results suggest that the tumorigenic effects of this compound in rats are mediated through non-genotoxic rather than a genotoxic mechanism. Further experiments using additional end-points such as 32P-post-labelling would further substantiate this conclusion.

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