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Butanedioic acid, 2,3-bis(benzoyloxy)-, (2R,3R)-(3S)-compd. with 3-piperidineMethanol (1:1) Suppliers

There are 2 suppliers:

Shanghai Nianxing Industrial Co., Ltd Recommended

Aera: China(Mainland)

Contact: Huang

Phone: 17521765436

Email: sales@echemcloud.com

Website: http://www.chemsrc.com

Product Name: Butanedioicacid,2,3-bis(benzoyloxy)-,(2R,3R)-(3S)-compd.with3-piperidinemethanol(1:1)

Updated Date: 2024-07-15 12:34:54

Price: Inquiry/

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Dayang Chem (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Recommended

Aera: China(Mainland)

Contact: Ms Wang

Phone: +86-571-8893-8639

Email: enquiry@dycnchem.com

Website: http://www.dycnchem.com

Product Name: Butanedioic acid, 2,3-bis(benzoyloxy)-, (2R,3R)-(3S)-compd. with 3-piperidineMethanol (1:1)

Updated Date: 2023-04-05 11:39:55

Price: $Inquiry/100g

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