
223753-47-7 structure
223753-47-7 structure

Name 6-methyl-3-(6-methylhepta-2,5-dien-2-yl)-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptane
Molecular Formula C15H24O
Molecular Weight 220.35000
Exact Mass 220.18300
PSA 12.53000
LogP 4.24660


223753-47-7 structure


Literature: Tomioka, Hiroki; Mori, Kenji Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 1992 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 1001


223753-47-7 structure


Literature: Tomioka, Hiroki; Mori, Kenji Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 1992 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 1001
Precursor  2

DownStream  0