
108783-80-8 structure
108783-80-8 structure

Name Acid Chloride of 2-(4-Carboxyphenyl)-5-(4-methylphenyl)oxazole
Molecular Formula C17H12ClNO2
Molecular Weight 297.73600
Exact Mass 297.05600
PSA 43.10000
LogP 4.69600


108783-80-8 structure


Literature: Krasovitskii, B. M.; Shershukov, V. M.; Volkov, V. L. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1986 ,  vol. 22,  # 9  p. 1022 - 1025Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1986 ,  vol. 22,  # 9  p. 1261 - 1264


108783-80-8 structure


Literature: Krasovitskii, B. M.; Shershukov, V. M.; Volkov, V. L. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1986 ,  vol. 22,  # 9  p. 1022 - 1025Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1986 ,  vol. 22,  # 9  p. 1261 - 1264
Precursor  2

DownStream  1