
更新时间:2024-01-09 13:26:23

常用名 (Z)-2-Chloro-6-hydroxy-9-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)thioxanthene 英文名 (Z)-2-Chloro-6-hydroxy-9-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)thioxanthene
CAS号 77602-73-4 分子量 331.86000
密度 1.327g/cm3 沸点 484ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C18H18ClNOS 熔点 N/A
MSDS N/A 闪点 246.5ºC


英文名 (9Z)-7-chloro-9-[3-(dimethylamino)propylidene]thioxanthen-3-ol


密度 1.327g/cm3
沸点 484ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C18H18ClNOS
分子量 331.86000
闪点 246.5ºC
精确质量 331.08000
PSA 48.77000
LogP 4.89360
折射率 1.706



海关编码 2932999099






文献:Sindelar; Jilek; Korbl; et al. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1980 , vol. 45, # 11 p. 3166 - 3181





文献:Sindelar; Jilek; Korbl; et al. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1980 , vol. 45, # 11 p. 3166 - 3181





文献:Sindelar; Jilek; Korbl; et al. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1980 , vol. 45, # 11 p. 3166 - 3181





文献:Sindelar; Jilek; Korbl; et al. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1980 , vol. 45, # 11 p. 3166 - 3181


海关编码 2932999099
中文概述 2932999099. 其他仅含氧杂原子的杂环化合物. 增值税率:17.0%. 退税率:13.0%. 监管条件:无. 最惠国关税:6.5%. 普通关税:20.0%
申报要素 品名, 成分含量, 用途
Summary 2932999099. other heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. VAT:17.0%. Tax rebate rate:13.0%. . MFN tariff:6.5%. General tariff:20.0%