
更新时间:2024-01-05 17:20:15

常用名 路易斯A三糖 英文名 Lewis-a trisaccharide
CAS号 56570-03-7 分子量 529.49000
密度 1.6g/cm3 沸点 977.2ºC at 760mmHg
分子式 C20H35NO15 熔点 160-162ºC
MSDS 美版 闪点 544.8ºC


刘易斯a三糖(Lewis a)是一种存在于精子多糖结构中的三糖。Lewis a三糖也是HL-60细胞表面聚糖结构的主要成分[1]。


中文名 路易斯A 三糖
英文名 Lewis A Trisaccharide
英文别名 更多


描述 刘易斯a三糖(Lewis a)是一种存在于精子多糖结构中的三糖。Lewis a三糖也是HL-60细胞表面聚糖结构的主要成分[1]。

[1]. A C Fitchette-Lainé, et al. N-glycans harboring the Lewis a epitope are expressed at the surface of plant cells. Plant J. 1997 Dec;12(6):1411-7.


密度 1.6g/cm3
沸点 977.2ºC at 760mmHg
熔点 160-162ºC
分子式 C20H35NO15
分子量 529.49000
闪点 544.8ºC
精确质量 529.20100
PSA 257.32000
外观性状 白色粉末
折射率 1.632
储存条件 2-8°C


危险品运输编码 NONH for all modes of transport


N-glycans harboring the Lewis a epitope are expressed at the surface of plant cells.

Plant J. 12(6) , 1411-7, (1997)

In plants, N-linked glycans are processed in the Golgi apparatus to complex-type N-glycans of limited size containing a beta(1,2)-xylose and/or an alpha(1,3)-fucose residue. Larger mono- and bi-antenn...

Studies on the three-dimensional behaviour of the selectin ligands Lewis(a) and sulphated Lewis(a) using NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations.

Glycobiology 4(1) , 49-57, (1994)

Sulphated blood group Lewis(a)/Lewis(x) (Le(a)/Le(x)) type sequences, with sulphate at the 3-position of galactose, have emerged as potent ligands for the endothelial adhesion molecule E-selectin and ...

CA-S27: a novel Lewis a associated carbohydrate epitope is diagnostic and prognostic for cholangiocarcinoma.

Cancer Sci. 104 , 1278-1284, (2013)

Early and specific diagnosis is critical for treatment of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). In this study, a carbohydrate antigen-S27 (CA-S27) monoclonal antibody (mAb) was established using pooled CCA tissue...


lewis a trisaccharide