[Reactive oxygen forms and Ca ions as possible intermediaries under the induction of heat resistance of plant cells by jasmonic acid].

Iu V Karpets, Iu E Kolupaev, T O Iastreb, A I Oboznyĭ, N V Shvidenko, A A Lugovaia, A A Vaĭner

Index: Ukr. Biokhim. Zh. 85(3) , 62-8, (2013)

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The participation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and calcium ions in realization of influence of exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) on the heat resistance of wheat coleoptiles has been investigated. Influence of 1 microM JA caused the transitional intensifying of generation of superoxide anion-radical (O2*-) and hydrogen peroxide in coleoptiles with the maximum within 15-30 minutes after the treatment beginning. Within the first hour after the beginning of coleoptiles treatment with JA the increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was noted. Later on (within 5-24 hours after the treatment beginning) there was the lowering of ROS generation by coleoptiles of experimental variant, and the SOD activity approached the control value. Intensifying of generation of superoxide radical induced by JA was suppressed by the antioxidant ionol and was partially levelled by imidazole (inhibitor of NADPH-oxidase), EGTA (chelator of extracellular calcium) and lanthanum chloride (calcium channels blocker). Pretreatment of coleoptiles with the ionol, imidazole, EGTA and LaC3l3 also partially removed the effect of increase of their resistance to the damaging heating caused by exogenous JA. It is supposed that the ROS generated with participation NADPH-oxidase, which activity depends on the receipt of calcium ions from extracellular space in the cytosol, are involved in realization of physiological effects of JA.

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