Anesthesiology 2014-12-01

Advancing novel anesthetics: pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies of cyclopropyl-methoxycarbonyl metomidate in dogs.

Jason A Campagna, Kevin Pojasek, David Grayzel, John Randle, Douglas E Raines

Index: Anesthesiology 121(6) , 1203-16, (2014)

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Cyclopropyl-methoxycarbonyl metomidate (CPMM, also known as ABP-700) is a second-generation "soft" (i.e., metabolically labile) etomidate analogue. The purpose of this study was to characterize CPMM's pharmacology in beagle dogs in preparation for potential first in human phase 1 clinical trials.CPMM's and etomidate's hypnotic activity and duration of action were assessed using loss of righting reflex and anesthesia score assays in three or four dogs. Their pharmacokinetics were defined after single bolus administration and single bolus followed by 2-h infusion. Adrenocortical recovery times after single bolus followed by 2-h infusion of CPMM, propofol, etomidate, and vehicle were measured using an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test.Compared with etomidate, CPMM was half as potent as a hypnotic (ED50 approximately 0.8 mg/kg), was more rapidly metabolized, and had a shorter duration of sedative-hypnotic action. Recovery times after CPMM administration were also independent of infusion duration. After hypnotic infusion, adrenocorticotropic hormone-stimulated plasma cortisol concentrations were 4- to 27-fold higher in dogs that received CPMM versus etomidate. Adrenocortical recovery was faster in dogs after CPMM infusion versus etomidate infusion (half-time: 215 vs. 1,623 min, respectively). Adrenocortical responsiveness assessed 90 min after CPMM infusion was not significantly different from that after propofol infusion.The studies in dogs confirm that CPMM has hypnotic and adrenocortical recovery profiles that are superior than those of etomidate, supporting the continued development of CPMM as a clinical sedative-hypnotic to be used as a single bolus and by continuous infusion to induce and maintain general anesthesia or procedural sedation.

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