Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2001-04-01

Microbial growth on dichlorobiphenyls chlorinated on both rings as a sole carbon and energy source.

M A Iudin, D V Lantukhov, N G Vengerovich

Index: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(4) , 1953-5, (2001)

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We have isolated bacterial strains capable of aerobic growth on ortho-substituted dichlorobiphenyls as sole carbon and energy sources. During growth on 2,2'-dichlorobiphenyl and 2,4'-dichlorobiphenyl strain SK-4 produced stoichiometric amounts of 2-chlorobenzoate and 4-chlorobenzoate, respectively. Chlorobenzoates were not produced when strain SK-3 was grown on 2,4'-dichlorobiphenyl.

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